
A group to interconnect reliable relays on the Cardano Network


A group to interconnect reliable relays on the Cardano Network


Currently there is no transparency regarding whether our relays are listed in any other topology file and if listed, whether this external relay was restarted using that very topology file. Each pool operator can only hope that others list his/her relays.

This bears the risk of not being properly connected to get our blocks on chain. Especially new pool operators struggle to be listed on established topology lists.

To increase the chance of being properly connected to the network, members of this group promise to utilize one or more of their relays to list all members of this alliance.

Effect: If any one member is listed on a well connected relay, each of the members of this group are also connected to the network.

To increase the chance of being well connected, each member should enlist on the IOHK peer list and try to ask other pool operators directly to include their relays in their lists as fixed/static entries.


TITAN - https://www.titanstaking.io/

  • currently 4 relays
  • at least 4 more planned

TITAN will dedicate 1 or 2 of its relays to this alliance, while all other (at least 2) relays will be connected to random relays to enable those random pool operators to produce blocks.

ATADA - https://stakepool.at/

  • currently 2 relays

Author of the well regarded script collection: https://github.com/gitmachtl/scripts/tree/master/cardano/ff-testnet

SPIKE - https://spike.crypto2099.io/

  • currently 2 relays
  • at least 1 more planned

BUFFY - https://buffy.crypto2099.io/

  • currently 2 relays

₳4PROFIT - https://ada4profit.com/

  • currently 3 relays
  • up to 5 more planned

HERMESPOOL - https://www.hyperborea-networks.com/

  • currently 2 relays

External relays

We accept submissions of external pool operators which we add to our secondary relays manually. Since our relays are interconnected, each of our x members only needs to add a subset of external entries ( num external / x members). In return the external pool operaters should add at least one of the alliance members and try to get enlisted on other topology lists as well.

Pool operators who want their relays added to our secondary relays can apply here: https://gist.github.com/MarcelKlammer/58bf67652c0a103bac96725bb463692c