E-commerce || Build with NextJs, Sanity and Payment gateway - Stripe.

Next JS Stripe Vercel

Deploy in VERCEL Click Here!

Quick Overview - Setup & Run

Step - 1

Download or Clone

git clone https://github.com/livealvi/Ecommerce--Full-Stack--NEXT-App.git

Step - 2

cd Ecommerce--Full-Stack--NEXT-App

Step - 4

npm i
npm install
yarn add

Step - 5

create .env file from .env.example need Stripe & Sanity

  • Token - Sanity
  • Publishable key - Stripe
  • Secret key - Stripe

Step - 6

Build & Run the project

First, run the development server:

npm run dev
yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.



#Product Page


#Payment Page - Stripe
