
A Node.js library for using Monero

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Monero JavaScript Library

A JavaScript library for creating Monero applications using RPC and WebAssembly bindings to monero v0.18.2.2 'Flourine Fermie'.

  • Supports client-side wallets in Node.js and the browser using WebAssembly.
  • Supports wallet and daemon RPC clients.
  • Supports multisig, view-only, and offline wallets.
  • Wallet types are interchangeable by conforming to a common interface.
  • Uses a clearly defined data model and API specification intended to be intuitive and robust.
  • Query wallet transactions, transfers, and outputs by their properties.
  • Fetch and process binary data from the daemon (e.g. raw blocks).
  • Receive notifications when blocks are added to the chain or when wallets sync, send, or receive.
  • Over 300 passing Mocha tests.

Table of contents


Build browser or Node.js applications using RPC or WebAssembly bindings to monero-project/monero. Wallet implementations are interchangeable by conforming to a common interface, MoneroWallet.js.

Sample code

// import library
const monerojs = require("monero-javascript");

// connect to daemon
let daemon = await monerojs.connectToDaemonRpc("http://localhost:38081", "superuser", "abctesting123");
let height = await daemon.getHeight();            // 1523651
let txsInPool = await daemon.getTxPool();         // get transactions in the pool

// open wallet on monero-wallet-rpc
let walletRpc = await monerojs.connectToWalletRpc("http://localhost:38084", "rpc_user", "abc123");
await walletRpc.openWallet("sample_wallet_rpc", "supersecretpassword123");
let primaryAddress = await walletRpc.getPrimaryAddress(); // 555zgduFhmKd2o8rPUz...
let balance = await walletRpc.getBalance();               // 533648366742
let txs = await walletRpc.getTxs();                       // get transactions containing transfers to/from the wallet

// create wallet from seed phrase using WebAssembly bindings to monero-project
let walletFull = await monerojs.createWalletFull({
  path: "sample_wallet_full",
  password: "supersecretpassword123",
  networkType: "stagenet",
  serverUri: "http://localhost:38081",
  serverUsername: "superuser",
  serverPassword: "abctesting123",
  seed: "hefty value scenic...",
  restoreHeight: 573936,

// synchronize with progress notifications
await walletFull.sync(new class extends monerojs.MoneroWalletListener {
  onSyncProgress(height, startHeight, endHeight, percentDone, message) {
    // feed a progress bar?

// synchronize in the background every 5 seconds
await walletFull.startSyncing(5000);

// receive notifications when funds are received, confirmed, and unlocked
let fundsReceived = false;
await walletFull.addListener(new class extends monerojs.MoneroWalletListener {
  onOutputReceived(output) {
    let amount = output.getAmount();
    let txHash = output.getTx().getHash();
    let isConfirmed = output.getTx().isConfirmed();
    let isLocked = output.getTx().isLocked();
    fundsReceived = true;

// send funds from RPC wallet to WebAssembly wallet
let createdTx = await walletRpc.createTx({
  accountIndex: 0,
  address: await walletFull.getAddress(1, 0),
  amount: "250000000000", // send 0.25 XMR (denominated in atomic units)
  relay: false // create transaction and relay to the network if true
let fee = createdTx.getFee(); // "Are you sure you want to send... ?"
await walletRpc.relayTx(createdTx); // relay the transaction

// recipient receives unconfirmed funds within 5 seconds
await new Promise(function(resolve) { setTimeout(resolve, 5000); });

// save and close WebAssembly wallet
await walletFull.close(true);


Using monero-javascript in your project

  1. cd your_project or mkdir your_project && cd your_project && npm init
  2. npm install monero-javascript@0.8.2
  3. Add require("monero-javascript") to your application code.

Running in Node.js

Node.js 18 LTS is recommended and requires using the --no-experimental-fetch flag. Alternatively, Node.js 16 LTS works.

Building a browser application

  1. Bundle your application code for a browser. See xmr-sample-app for an example project using webpack.
  2. Copy assets from ./dist to your web app's build directory.

Using RPC servers:

  1. Download and install Monero CLI.
  2. Start monerod, e.g.: ./monerod --stagenet (or use a remote daemon).
  3. Start monero-wallet-rpc, e.g.: ./monero-wallet-rpc --daemon-address http://localhost:38081 --stagenet --rpc-bind-port 38084 --rpc-login rpc_user:abc123 --wallet-dir ./

Building WebAssembly binaries from source

This project uses WebAssembly to package and execute Monero's source code for use in a browser or other WebAssembly-supported environment.

Compiled WebAssembly binaries are committed to ./dist for convenience, but these files can be built independently from source code:

  1. Install and activate emscripten.
    1. Clone emscripten repository: git clone https://github.com/emscripten-core/emsdk.git
    2. cd emsdk
    3. git pull && ./emsdk install 3.1.10 && ./emsdk activate 3.1.10 && source ./emsdk_env.sh
    4. export EMSCRIPTEN=path/to/emsdk/upstream/emscripten (change for your system)
  2. Clone monero-javascript repository: git clone --recursive https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/monero-javascript.git
  3. cd monero-javascript
  4. ./bin/update_submodules.sh
  5. Modify ./external/monero-cpp/external/monero-project/src/crypto/wallet/CMakeLists.txt from set(MONERO_WALLET_CRYPTO_LIBRARY "auto" ... to set(MONERO_WALLET_CRYPTO_LIBRARY "cn" ....
  6. Download and install unbound 1.17.0 to your home directory (~).
  7. ./bin/build_all.sh (install monero-project dependencies as needed for your system)

Running tests

  1. Clone the project repository: git clone https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/monero-javascript.git
  2. cd monero-javascript
  3. Start RPC servers:
    1. Download and install Monero CLI.
    2. Start monerod, e.g.: ./monerod --testnet (or use a remote daemon).
    3. Start monero-wallet-rpc, e.g.: ./monero-wallet-rpc --daemon-address http://localhost:38081 --testnet --rpc-bind-port 28084 --rpc-login rpc_user:abc123 --wallet-dir ./
  4. Configure the appropriate RPC endpoints, authentication, and other settings in TestUtils.js (e.g. WALLET_RPC_CONFIG and DAEMON_RPC_CONFIG).

Running tests in Node.js

  • Run all tests: npm test
  • Run tests by their description, e.g.: npm run test -- --grep "Can get transactions"

Running tests in a browser

  1. Start monero-wallet-rpc servers used by tests: ./bin/start_wallet_rpc_test_servers.sh
  2. In another terminal, build browser tests: ./bin/build_browser_tests.sh
  3. Access http://localhost:8080/tests.html in a browser to run all tests

Related projects


This project is licensed under MIT.


If this library brings you value, please consider donating.