Wownero daemon

Wownero node for your Android phone. This is wownerod packaged in an Android App.

Installation from github binaries

Make sure you enabled unknown sources in Android configuration (settings -> Security).

Download the app from the release section.

Build it yourself

If you want to build the app yourself, the first thing is to get Wownero on github, then build binaries for arm64-v8a and armeabi, and then replace the compiled wownerod binary under res/raw.

res/raw/wownerod32 is the arm 32 bit compiled daemon, and res/raw/wownero64 is the 64 bit one.

Then import and build with android studio.

Phone requirements

A 64 bit processor with 2 Gb of storage is recommended to run on the mainnet blockchain.

Wallet connection

When the node is synchronized and running, a wallet app can connect locally to check and process payements. Running a node locally is much safer than using a public node.

About Monero

If you want to build this app for Monero, just replace wownerod32 and woenerod64 by there monero ones, and change ressources and name in MainActivity:copyBinaryFile. That's it!


If your phone gets pretty hot during synchronization, go to "settings" -> "Limit rate" and set a value around 50 kB/s. This will reduce CPU usage but will make synchronization slower....


** XMR ** 4AZSfpPFsLEgxpBVmNdoysYERDQiGu7daKB2WtWgKK1AGqeJBhRp4ZNjVPMARyoSpPb3WkGsQ7p5tKvKex9eJpFqRJQXvQZ

** Wownero ** Wo3tBXLr9Sq7cyqHiwoYTTGc4EfPidFFUN6rPv4RdrWc1boYemdNsRyFbpq1nnDAbRYTb8QArzF86Be1AuiabmqA37mTGhw1u

Highly appreciated.


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.