NextJS NFT Marketplace with TheGraph

1. Git clone the contracts repo

In it's own terminal / command line, run:

git clone
cd hardhat-nextjs-nft-marketplace-fcc

2. Deploy to rinkeby

After installing dependencies, deploy your contracts to rinkeby:

yarn hardhat deploy --network rinkeby

3. Deploy your subgraph

cd ..
git clone
cd graph-nft-marketplace-fcc

Follow the instructions of the README of that repo.

Then, make a .env file and place your temporary query URL into it as NEXT_PUBLIC_SUBGRAPH_URL.

4. Start your UI

Make sure that:

  • In your networkMapping.json you have an entry for NftMarketplace on the rinkeby network.
  • You have a NEXT_PUBLIC_SUBGRAPH_URL in your .env file.
yarn dev