
docker-compose for filecoin node

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docker compose for filecoin node

./ethd install can install docker-ce for you

To get started: cp default.env .env, adjust COMPOSE_FILE and your traefik variables if you use traefik, then ./ethd up.

Observe logs until the initial snapshot sync is complete and lotus has restarted. Then generate a key: Run docker ps and find the name of your container, then run the command to generate the RPC auth token, e.g. docker exec filecoin-docker-lotus-1 lotus auth create-token --perm read

Provided you created a key as above, you can then force a filecoin instance to have the same token as an existing one by replacing the contents of keystore/MF2XI2BNNJ3XILLQOJUXMYLUMU and token with the contents of the existing node, and then restarting the filecoin service. These files are in the docker volume for filecoin. Make copies first.

To update lotus, run ./ethd update, followed by ./ethd up.

lotus-haproxy.cfg is a sample haproxy configuration file, and assumes that all filecoin nodes have the same token. check-fcsync.sh verifies sync status for haproxy. haproxy-docker-sample.yml is an example for a docker-compose file running haproxy, inside a docker swarm mode.


To prune the chain, run docker exec <lotus-container> lotus chain prune hot-moving. This requires about 300 GiB free space.

This is filecoin-docker v1.1.1