
Permissioned City Level Blockchain

MIT LicenseMIT


Permissioned City Level Blockchain


VarnaChain will be a permissioned blockchain and infrastructure for it built in the city of Varna. The blockchain will be used for free public services, tests and experimental projects. First version will be built on Ethereum PoA. The control of the network will be done by Smart Contracts defining a DAO.



Ethereum Proof of Authority and Clique Protocol


Docker Registry

Will store and deploy the containers needed for all participants to operate. Updates will be managed also by this registry. It is a private registry as it is not needed the public to have access to that part. Though all the containers will be open sourced to be validated.

Setting up the provate registry: https://docs.docker.com/registry/deploying/

Starting the Blockchain

Step by step tutorial to start the permissioned blockchain

Download Go-Ethereum


Create folder on the sealer device

mkdir data

Create new account (key store)

$ geth --datadir data/ account new
Your new account is locked with a password. Please give a password. Do not forget this password.
Passphrase: ******
Repeat passphrase: ******
Address: {87366ef81db496edd0ea2055ca605e8686eec1e6}

On this step a new private/public key pair are generated and stored locally in the data folder. You need to keep that information private and secure.

IMPORTANT: Copy the public address. Your node will be added to the list of allowed sealers using it

Copy your password

IMPORTANT: This is not the most secure way and will be changed in the future Create a file password.txt with your password in it so the node can be ran without the need to type the password manually.

echo "******" > password.txt

Send your address to the authoritiy

At this step you need to send the public address such as {87366ef81db496edd0ea2055ca605e8686eec1e6} to the VarnaChain authority to add you as a sealer when creating the genesis block.

Creation of the genesis block

Here the genesis will be created. It could be done in different ways. One is to use puppeth

puppeth --network=varnachain

It is a wizard for blockchain setup. The genesis file must be defined and exported.

Other option is to edit it directly. varnachain.json

The significant properties are:

  • chainId - the id of the chain. It is good to be bigger than 10 since there are popular public chains under that.
  • extraData - here all the allowed sealer's addresses are listed
  • ...

Initialize node

$ geth --datadir data/ init varnachain.json

Initialize bootnode

Boot node is a rendezvous-like server for node discovery.

$ bootnode -genkey boot.key

Start bootnode

The first time a node connects to the network it uses one of the predefined bootnodes. Through these bootnodes a node can join the network and find other nodes. In the case of a private cluster these predefined bootnodes are not of much use. Therefore go-ethereum offers a bootnode implementation that can be configured and run in your private network.

$ bootnode -nodekey boot.key -verbosity 9 -addr :10666
INFO [02-07|22:44:09] UDP listener up                          self=enode://3ec4fef2d726c2c01f16f0a0030f15dd5a81e274067af2b2157cafbf76aa79fa9c0be52c6664e80cc5b08162ede53279bd70ee10d024fe86613b0b09e1106c40@[::]:10666

IMPORTANT: Copy the enode address

Start node

$ geth --datadir data/ --syncmode "full" --port 10667 --rpc --rpcaddr "localhost" --rpcport 8545 --rpcapi "personal,db,eth,net,web3,txpool,miner" --bootnodes "enode://3ec4fef2d726c2c01f16f0a0030f15dd5a81e274067af2b2157cafbf76aa79fa9c0be52c6664e80cc5b08162ede53279bd70ee10d024fe86613b0b09e1106c40@" --networkid 27382 --gasprice "1" -unlock "0x87366ef81db496edd0ea2055ca605e8686eec1e6" --password password.txt --mine

Additionally few options can be added for:

  • --ipcdisable - to disable IPC for example when running more than one node on same computer
  • --rpccorsdomain "*" - to allow external connection to the RPC (for all domains)

Add exception to the firewall

Allow connections to the ports for the bootnode and the node. If required also for the RPC