
uTorrent API Client for Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


uTorrent API Client for Python3

How to use

1. Setup up virtual environment

This library uses "requests", so you need to run pip3 install -r requirements.txt to download the depedencies.

Swithc to the virtual env by typing;

$ source env/bin/activate

2. Activate uTorrent WEB UI

To use this library you first need to activate uTorrent/bitTorrent Web UI and configure the credentials and ports.

3. inport UTorrentAPI

In your code import the library as;

from utorrentapi import UTorrentAPI

And initalize as;

apiclient = UTorrentAPI(<url>, <user name>, <password>)


apiclient = UTorrentAPI('', 'admin', 'laky123')

API Methods

  • get_list(): List all torrents.

  • get_files(torrentid): List all filed of a torrent.

  • start(torrentid): Start torrent.

  • stop(torrentid): Stop torrent.

  • pause(torrentid): Pause torrent.

  • forcestart(torrentid): Force start torrent.

  • unpause(torrentid): Start a pause torrent, same as start.

  • recheck(torrentid): Recehck torrent status.

  • remove(torrentid): Remove torrent file.

  • removedata(torrentid): Remove torrent file with data.

  • set_priority(torrentid, priority, fileindex): Set priority to each file in a torrent.

  • add_file(file_path): Add torrent file to download.

  • add_url(fiel_path): Add torrent URL to download (magnet link).

MIT License