
A real-time blockchain monitor and resource-related benchmarking tool

Primary LanguagePython


A real-time blockchain monitor and resource-related benchmark tool.
The current version can conduct the benchmark of eight blockchain projects:

  • Hyperledger Fabric (v1.1-1.4)
  • Hyperledger Sawtooth
  • Hyperledger Burrow
  • Hyperledger Iroha
  • Ethereum
  • Parity
  • IOTA
  • EOS

From the perspective of metrics, Prism currently covers:

  • Throughput (transactions per second)
  • Transaction confirmation latency (second)
  • Resource Efficiency (CPU, DISK I/O, Network, Memory, Power...)


This tool is based on docker technology.
The mainly involved images contain cadvisor, prometheus, and grafana.
The data flow is cadvisor to Prometheus to Grafana, which is a famous framework for cluster monitoring.

  • private-chain benchmark results: This folder contains the results of our practical benchmarking on self-deployed private blockchain networks.
  • public-chain benchmark results collection: Since we cannot conduct benchmarking on public blockchain network. This folder contains the benchmarking results of public blockchain networks collected from public-available blockchain exporters.
  • ATG, ATP, ATS: They refer to Automatic Transaction Genenator, Packer, or Sender, which are used to generate benchmarking workload.


The resources for deploying private blockchain networks, such as hyperledger fabric, Sawtooth, Burrow, etc., can be found at Lancelot1998's other repositories. 😊

  • Fabric-10-node: Contain some scripts and configuration files for deploying a 10-node Hyperledger Fabric (v1.0-v1.4) network.
  • Burrow-10-node: Contain some scripts and configuration files for deploying a 10-node Hyperledger Burrow network.
  • Sawtooth-10-node: Contain some scripts and configuration files for deploying a 10-node Hyperledger Sawtooth (PoET) network.
  • Iroha-10-node: Contain some scripts and configuration files for deploying a 10-node Hyperledger Iroha network.