
Additional Filters for browser extension based adblockers like https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock, mainly for Chinese sites, including some obvious trackers which should be found & listed & blocked YEARS ago.

Primary LanguageRed


主要为**大陆网络服务制作的额外过滤列表,适用于浏览器拓展 uBlock Origin 等。 按照隐私、广告和干扰等分类整理。包含一些显而易见但长期未被处理的数据收集与追踪; 哪怕初级网络开发者都能轻易发现并判定它们。

Additional Filters for browser extension based adblockers like uBlock Origin. Mainly for Chinese mainland internet service, splitted into privacy, advertisement, interruption elements and so on. Including some obvious trackers which could be found & confirmed by novices in network development easily, and should been listed & blocked YEARS ago.

此列表本是我为避免频繁地向各个过滤列表提交规则而创建的,随着列表的完善, 更新可能会逐渐减少。但由于本列表的内容多数未被提交至其他列表,除非此情况有改变, 否则不应认为本列表已经过时。

This list was created to avoid frequent submission to various filter lists, As the list become more complete, updates may happen less frequently. However, since most of the content of this list has not been submitted to other lists, thus, unless this situation changes, otherwise this list should not be considered out of date.

安装 AGLint 以便检查代码:

Install AGLint for linting support:

全部 All


All includes all the variants and specific rules in current category.

类别 Variants


类别 Variant 链接 Link
数据收集 Data Collection DC.txt
广告 Advertisement Ad.txt
干扰 Spam Spam.txt
APP 与客户端 App & Client APP.txt
分享按钮 Share buttons Share.txt
会员相关 VIP VIP.txt


类别 Variant 链接 Link
数据收集 Data Collection DC.txt
广告 Advertisement Ad.txt
干扰 Spam Spam.txt
APP 与客户端 App & Client APP.txt
分享按钮 Share buttons Share.txt


类别 Variant 链接 Link
中文 CN CN.txt
国际 Intl Intl.txt

针对性规则 Specific Rules


名称 Name 链接 Link
微信 WeChat NoWeWontChat.txt
修复 Fixes fix.txt

备注:本来,修复主要针对 Easylist filter listsFanboy Lists, 现在,修复会覆盖下面的其他规则列表中的规则。

P.S. Originally, Fixes is mainly for Easylist filter lists and Fanboy Lists, now, all the rules listed in Other Rulesets are covered.

可选规则 Optional Rules


Some optional Rules for your choices. Not subscribe-able, please pick the useful ones up into your user filters manually.

镜像 Mirror Services

提供者 Provider 示例链接 Example Links
GitCDN / Alternative Domain / GitHub Repo https://gitcdn.xyz/repo/Crystal-RainSlide/AdditionalFiltersCN/master/CN.txt
jsDelivr / GitHub Repo https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Crystal-RainSlide/AdditionalFiltersCN/CN.txt
Statically / GitHub Repo https://cdn.staticaly.com/gh/Crystal-RainSlide/AdditionalFiltersCN/master/CN.txt
raw.githack.com / GitHub Repo https://raw.githack.com/Crystal-RainSlide/AdditionalFiltersCN/master/CN.txt


不建议大规模使用 raw.githack.com 的开发用镜像。参见官方 FAQ

It is not suggested to use the raw.githack.com development mirror heavily, see GitHack FAQ.

其他规则列表 Other Rulesets


主页 Homepage 链接 Link
乘风 广告过滤规则:rule.txt
QuarkList quarklist.txt
ublock-CingList ublock-CingList.txt
jCleanList jCleanList_all.txt


主页 Homepage 链接 Link
BarbBlock GitHub ublock-origin.txt

规则合并器 Rules Merger
