
This repository contains the final project for the COP5725 Advanced Database Systems

Primary LanguageC++


This repository contains the final project for the COP5725 Advanced Database Systems. The final project was the implementation of the K-Truss decomposition algorithms described in Truss Decomposition in Massive Networks. The improved algorithm appliance is based on the orginal Wang code The implementation contains the following K Truss decomposition:

  • The basic decomposition algorithm proposed by Cohen
  • The improved version of the in memory algorithm
  • The efficient I/O algorithm Bottom up
  • The In memory top-down decomposition

The data folder contains the graph examples of the smaller networks described in Table 1. All the networks described in the paper are avaliable here The input files need to follow the standard described below.


1st line: n m // #vertices, #edges
(i+1)th line u v // ith edge u v vertexes


each line contains edge K-truss description, where:
u v c // (u,v) edge that belongs to c-class, (not (c+1)-truss).

Table 1. Graph examples

Name V_G E_G
P2P 6.3K 41.6K
HEP 9.9K 52.0K

How to run the code

The repository includes the makefile for the g++ std=c++11. k_truss_dec is the executable that should be run in the following order:

./k_truss_dec <argument> <filename>

The following arguments are avaliable for the execution:

  • -b Basic algorithm for the truss decomposition, prints the results to screen and saves them into filename-basic_algorithm.txt
  • -i The improved algorithm for the truss decomposition. The final results are printed to the screen and save to filename-improved_algorithm.txt
  • -bu Bottom up truss decomposition algorithm that is I/O effective. The partial results are saved in filename-p1/2.txt. The final results are saved in the filenam-ebottom_up.txt
  • -td Top-Down Truss decomposition. The result is saved in filename-top_down.txt
  • -h Help option, print the help message to the screen