
My notes.

Primary LanguageMarkdownCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


A template repository to create your own Markdown-based Emanote notebook with Visual Studio Code support, as well as to publish it to GitHub Pages.

See https://emanote.srid.ca/start/resources/emanote-template for details.

Using this template

Click the "Use this template" green button on Github, and in the resulting repository make the following modifications,

  1. Change index.yaml to use your site's title (and set the same in index.md) and a suitable edit URL.
  2. Start adding .md notes at repository root (you can use VSCode or Obsidian)

If deploying using GitHub Pages, also:

  1. Change flake.nix to set the baseUrl (if your repository is named differently or you are using a CNAME).

Checkout examples and guide for next steps.

Running using Nix

To start the Emanote live server using Nix:

# If you using VSCode, you can also: Ctrl+Shift+B
nix run

To update Emanote version in flake.nix:

nix flake lock --update-input emanote

To build the static website via Nix:

nix build -o ./result
# Then test it:
nix run nixpkgs#nodePackages.live-server -- ./result

GitHub Pages

GitHub Actions CI is responsible for deploying to GitHub Pages. See .github/workflows/publish.yaml.