Crystallize Translation App

This is the Crystallize Translation App to be injected like a Custom View


A Crystallize App injects a signature to notify the current tenant and it requires HTTPS. Therefore, even locally, you need HTTPS.

You need:

  • Caddy Server
  • Node 20
  • PNPM

Also you need to point to

When you are all set you can install the app for development.


Create the .env file from the .env.dist file.

cp .env.dist .env

.env is in the .gitignore on purpose, you don't want to commit that secret file.

Then open the .env and update the values.

Then you can

make install

This will install the dependencies.

Run the project

make serve

Please not that won't following URL won't work directly in your browser like an usual project. It expects a signature from Crystallize to set up the Cookie and other parameters to setup the context.

So you can go ahead in your Crystallize Tenant Settings > Build > Custom Views

Add a Custom View and input this string:{{itemId}}&fromLanguage={{language}}&variantId={{variantId}}


This project is running with Remix Run 2.1 and there you can host it almost anywhere