Security Analyst. CS senior year student. Bug Bounty Hunter in my spare time
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e delle tecnologie dell'Informazione | UniNANaples, Italy
Pinned Repositories
A minimal, responsive, and feature-rich Jekyll theme for technical writing.
Programma creato per la partecipazione al progetto-concorso "a scuola di astroparticelle" indetto da INFN Napoli. Progetto premiato inoltre alla Global Junior Challenge indetta da Fondazione Mondo Digitale (premio "scuola più innovativa d'Italia", ricevuto dal Liceo Scientifico Mancini ad Avellino)
Configuration file for my github page
File integrity monitor proof-of-concept in PowerShell sends a message via Telegram when it detects changes to a specified directory. It continually checks for changes by generating hashes for all files and comparing them to a stored baseline. Uses Telegram API and allows choice of hash algorithm.
The TortoiseHospital project is a Java app that helps manage the care and recovery of sea turtles at National Recovery Centers. It includes a GUI and a database, and allows staff to track turtle admissions, medical records, and generate monthly/annual stats.
A library of material components for JavaFX
CsaProtocol's Repositories
File integrity monitor proof-of-concept in PowerShell sends a message via Telegram when it detects changes to a specified directory. It continually checks for changes by generating hashes for all files and comparing them to a stored baseline. Uses Telegram API and allows choice of hash algorithm.
The TortoiseHospital project is a Java app that helps manage the care and recovery of sea turtles at National Recovery Centers. It includes a GUI and a database, and allows staff to track turtle admissions, medical records, and generate monthly/annual stats.
Programma creato per la partecipazione al progetto-concorso "a scuola di astroparticelle" indetto da INFN Napoli. Progetto premiato inoltre alla Global Junior Challenge indetta da Fondazione Mondo Digitale (premio "scuola più innovativa d'Italia", ricevuto dal Liceo Scientifico Mancini ad Avellino)
Configuration file for my github page