Bot Save Princess solution, using BFS search

Bot Save Princess is a searching problem posed by hackerRank that challenges programmers to devise efficient algorithms to guide a bot through a grid to rescue a princess. In this repository, we present our solution to this problem utilizing the Breadth-First Search (BFS) searching method with Python3. Our solution aims to showcase the effectiveness of BFS in solving pathfinding problems within a grid-like environment.

Table of Contents:

Implementation of the Proposed BFS Method

 # Initialize BFS queue with bot's position
    queue = [(bot_pos, [])]
    visited = set([bot_pos])
    while queue:
        current_pos, path = queue.pop(0)
        if current_pos == princess_pos:
            for move in path:
        for move, direction in moves.items():
            new_pos = (current_pos[0] + direction[0], current_pos[1] + direction[1])
            if 0 <= new_pos[0] < N and 0 <= new_pos[1] < N and new_pos not in visited:
                queue.append((new_pos, path + [move]))

System outputs:

Imagen de WhatsApp 2023-08-28 a las 22 27 36
