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SimPol — Simulating the dynamics of RNA Polymerase (RNAP) on DNA template


SimPol tracks the independent movement of RNAPs along the DNA templates of a large number of cells. It accepts several key user-specified parameters, including the initiation rate, pause-escape rate, a constant or variable elongation rate, the mean and variance of pause sites across cells, as well as the center-to-center spacing constraint between RNAPs, the number of cells being simulated, the gene length, and the total time of transcription. The simulator simply allows each RNAP to move forward or not, in time slices of $10^{-4}$ minutes, according to the specified position-specific rate parameters. It assumes that at most one movement of each RNAP can occur per time slice. The simulator monitors for collisions between adjacent RNAPs, prohibiting one RNAP to advance if it is at the boundary of the allowable distance from the next. After running for the specified time, SimPol outputs either a file in HDF5 format or files in CSV format that records all RNAP position for the last specified number of steps. See more options and details about parameters and outputs below.


Fig.1 Design of SimPol (“Simulator of Polymerases”)

Setup Environment

We provide three different approaches to set up the environment for SimPol, using either Singularity or Conda or Docker. Pre-built debug and release executables can be found in the bin folder


wget http://compgen.cshl.edu/simpol/simpol.sif

singularity shell simpol.sif

source activate simpol

./bin/simPol_Release --help

Note: Use command below to build container from Singularity file

singularity build --fakeroot simpol.sif Singularity


docker pull cshlhassett/simpol

sudo docker run -it cshlhassett/simpol

source activate simpol

./SimPolv2/bin/simPol_Release --help


conda env create -f environment.yml

conda activate simpol

# Follow commands below to build from source and run

Build from source

There is the option to build in either debug mode with debug symbols or release mode with compiler optimizations (e.g. -O2).

To create a build directory in release mode

cmake -S . -B Release/ -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

To clean the release mode build directory

cmake --build Release/ --target clean

To build in release mode

cmake --build Release/

Note: Replace all instances of 'Release' with 'Debug' to build in Debug mode

Run Locally

Set Number of Threads [By default uses all available threads]

export OMP_NUM_THREADS=<number of threads to use>

Run in Release Mode

./Release/simPol [options]

Run in Debug Mode

./Debug/simPol [options]

Run program with file containing command line arguments

 ./Release/simPol $(<simPol_arguments.dat)

Run with UGE Workload Manager (within CSHL)

qsub -pe OpenMP 5 -cwd -b y ./Release/simPol -n 100 --csv 10
  • Note: This allocates 5 threads for the program in the OpenMP parallel environment
  • Check available parallel environments: qconf -spl


	-h, --help
		Show this help message and exit

		define the mean of pause sites across cells [default 50bp]

		define the standard deviation of pause sites across cells [default 0]

		upper bound of pause site allowed [default 17bp]

		lower bound of pause site allowed [default 200bp]

		define the length of the whole gene [default 2000bp]

	-a DOUBLE, --alpha=DOUBLE
		initiation rate [default 1 event per min]

	-b DOUBLE, --beta=DOUBLE
		pause release rate [default 1 event per min]

	-z DOUBLE, --zeta=DOUBLE
		the mean of elongation rates across sites [default 2000bp per min]

		the standard deviation of elongation rates across sites [default 1000]

		the maximum of elongation rates allowed [default 2500bp per min]

		the minimum of elongation rates allowed [default 1500bp per min]

		a file contains vector to scale elongation rates. All cells share the same set of parameters [default ""]

	-n INTEGER, --cellNum=INTEGER
		Number of cells being simulated [default 10]

	-s INTEGER, --polSize=INTEGER
		Polymerase II size [default 33bp]

		Additional space in addition to RNAP size [default 17bp]

	-t DOUBLE, --time=DOUBLE
		Total time of simulating data in a cell [default 0.1 min]

		Record position matrix to HDF5 file for remaining number of steps specified [default: 0 steps]

		Record position matrix to csv file for remaining number of steps specified [default: 1 step]

		Directory for saving results [default: 'results']


After simulation, SimPol produces multiple output files:

  1. probability_vector.csv
  2. pause_sites.csv
  3. combined_cell_data.csv: Stores the total # of polymerase at each site across all cells
  4. position_matrices.h5: An HDF5 file containing a group of position matrices for the last number of specified steps. The file can be viewed by importing it into the HDFView app. Download Here: https://www.hdfgroup.org/downloads/hdfview/#download
  5. positions/position_matrix_#.csv: CSV files containing the position matrix at a specified step

Sampling nascent RNA sequencing read counts

If you prefer to simulate nascent RNA sequencing read counts in addition to the RNAP positions, you can also follow the tutorial in scripts/sample_read_counts.Rmd.


Zhao, Y., Liu, L. & Siepel, A. Model-based characterization of the equilibrium dynamics of transcription initiation and promoter-proximal pausing in human cells. 2022.10.19.512929 Preprint at bioRxiv (2022).