
ARG-based inference of selection using deep learning

Primary LanguagePython

Selection Inference using the Ancestral recombination graph (SIA)


This GitHub repo hosts the code for running the SIA method to infer positive selection from genomic polymorphism data as described here.

N.b. Since the introduction of the domain-adaptive version of SIA $-$ dadaSIA, we recommend users to adopt this improved method which addresses the issue of simulation mis-specification.

The SIA framework consists of the following 3 major steps:

1 Training data simulation

SIA is a supervised machine learning method that relies on simulated training data. The simulations should be tailored to the population of interest. You can use any simulator of your choice that is able to simulate selection (such as SLiM and discoal). In the sims directory, we provide examples of SLiM simulation scripts. See the documentation for how to run discoal on the command line.

2 ARG inference and feature extraction

The SIA deep learning model uses features of the Ancestral Recombination Graph (ARG) for selection inference. Therefore, to train/apply the SIA model, we need to first reconstruct ARGs from polymorphism data. There are a few methods to choose from for ARG inference, including ARGweaver, Relate and tsinfer/tsdate. We chose to use Relate in our analyses to balance the tradeoff between accuracy and scalability, but the user is free to pick their own ARG inference method.

There are two versions of ARG features for the SIA model:

2.1 Lineage counts at discretized time points

This is the feature encoding proposed in the original SIA publication for the base version of SIA. util.py contains function ARG2feature() for extracting features from the inferred ARG and requires the DendroPy package as a dependency. Import the function by

from util import ARG2feature

and call the function as follows:

ARG2feature(intvls, trees, var_ppos, VOI_gt, no_ft, time_pts, taxa)
Input Data type Description
intvls numpy array of shape (k, 2) and type int where k is the # of genealogies Each row encodes the starting (inclusive) and ending (exclusive) position of a genealogy
trees list of length k List of newick strings of genealogies
var_ppos int Physical position of focal variant (i.e. putative sweep site)
VOI_gt numpy array of shape (m,) where m is the # of haplotypes Binary array of the genotype at the focal variant, 0 for ancestral allele and 1 for derived allele
no_ft int # of flanking trees for feature extraction, we used 2 in analyses presented in the manuscript
time_pts numpy array of shape (n,) Array of discretized time points, this can be generated manually or by calling the discretizeT() function in util.py
taxa int The starting index of taxa IDs


Data type Description
numpy array of shape (2*no_ft+1, n) and type int This is the feature matrix of the ARG centered on the variant of interest, see ARG Feature Extraction section in manuscript for details

2.2 Full encoding of genealogies using stacked matrices

We have since introduced a domain-adaptive version of SIA (dadaSIA). Details of the improvements can be found in the manuscript. dadaSIA uses a new feature input that is fully representative of all information in the genealogies. Although we recommend users to adopt the new dadaSIA method for selection inference, the improved feature encoding can be used in conjunction with the base version of SIA. This stacked-matrices encoding scheme is implemented via the encode() function in fea_encoding_v2.py, whose usage is described here.

3 Deep learning

The original SIA model uses a stacked LSTM architecture and we provide scripts for training the model in the DL_models directory.

  • SIA_swp_class.py implements the classification model to identify sweeps.
  • SIA_sc_reg.py implements the regression model to infer selection coefficients.

In order to utilize the new feature encoding with stacked matrices described in 2.2, the neural network architecture needs to be modified to use convolutional layers (as described here). These CNN models are implemented in SIA_swp_class_CNN.py and SIA_sc_reg_CNN.py.


Hejase HA, Mo Z, Campagna L, Siepel A. 2021. A Deep-Learning Approach for Inference of Selective Sweeps from the Ancestral Recombination Graph. Molecular Biology and Evolution:msab332.

Mo Z, and Siepel A. 2023. Domain-adaptive neural networks improve supervised machine learning based on simulated population genetic data. bioRxiv:10.1101/2023.03.01.529396.