
'Barbarian -- The Ultimate Warrior' game clone in Python and PyGame.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is 'Barbarian -- The Ultimate Warrior' game clone written in Python and PyGame. It's in progress. In fact, it has two scenes only:


After clone the project you needs to install some pre-requisites:

  • At first you need Python3 interpreter (3.5 or better?).

  • There is psutil used in this project and it may require python3-devel package installed on Linux systems;

  • The PyGame framework and psutil can be installed with pip and requirements.txt file:

    pip install -r requirements.txt


In project directory you can start battle scene:

python3 src/main.py

Or animation viewer scene:

python3 srs/main.py -v

-d -- debug options shows FPS, CPU and memory usage info.

There are keys to control the left barbarian used in battle scene:

  • 6 -- left
  • 7 -- right
  • 8 -- up
  • 9 -- down
  • 0 -- fire
  • ESC -- close window and exit
