Project 1: Employee Expense Reimbursement App (EERA) by Jacob Shaw and Patrick Miller

EERA Web Application Summary

  • The Employee Expense Reimbursement App (EERA) manages the process of reimbursing employees for expenses incurred while on company time.
  • All employees in the company can login and submit requests for reimbursement and view their past tickets and pending requests.
  • Finance managers can log in and view all reimbursement requests and past history for all employees in the company.
  • Finance managers are authorized to approve and deny requests for expense reimbursement.

Tech Stack

  • Java 8
  • JUnit
  • Mockito
  • Apache Maven
  • JaCoCo
  • Hibernate
  • Java EE Servlet API (v4.0+)
  • PostGreSQL deployed on AWS RDS
  • Postman
  • Git SCM (on GitHub)

Employee User Stories

  • An Employee can login
  • An Employee can view the Employee Homepage
  • An Employee can logout
  • An Employee can submit a reimbursement request
  • An Employee can view their pending reimbursement requests
  • An Employee can view their resolved reimbursement requests
  • An Employee can view their information
  • An Employee can update their information

Manager User Stories

  • A Manager can login
  • A Manager can view the Manager Homepage
  • A Manager can logout
  • A Manager can approve/deny pending reimbursement requests
  • A Manager can view all pending requests from all employees
  • A Manager can view all resolved requests from all employees and see which manager resolved it
  • A Manager can view all Employees
  • A Manager can view reimbursement requests from a single Employee


State-chart Diagram (Reimbursement Statuses)

Reimbursement Types Employees must select the type of reimbursement as: LODGING, TRAVEL, FOOD, or OTHER.

Logical Model

Physical Model

Use Case Diagram

Activity Diagram