
Simple library for creating flying particles.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Cuberto Particles

Quick start

Add css and markup to your project.

You can use particles.scss from demo.

import Particles from './particles';

const demoParticles = document.querySelector('.cb-particles');
const particles = new Particles({
    container: demoParticles,
    itemsSelector: ".cb-particles-item",

Frontend dependencies

GSAP (https://greensock.com/gsap/)

Setup demo project


npm install

Start develop server

gulp or gulp serve deploy app and start browsersync server + watchers


parameter type default description
container HTMLElement or string null particles container (required)
itemsSelector string [data-particle-item] particle element selector
observable bool true automatically play/stop movement if the container is not in viewport
observableTarget HTMLElement null another observable element, instead of a container.
observableRefresh bool true automatically refresh particles when container observe.
repeats number -1 number of repeats; -1 is infinite
timeScale number 1 initial timescale
initialSeek number 1500 seek timeline to time on first start (not used when repeats > -1)
fadeInDuration number 0.7 duration of fade in (0 disable).
fadeInEase string "power1.out" fade in ease (see gsap easing)
fadeOutDuration number 0.7 duration of fade out (0 disable).
fadeOutEase string "power1.out" fade out ease (see gsap easing)
yStart number or function containerHeight start y-coordinate
yEnd number or function -particleHeight end y-coordinate
xStart number or function undefined start x-coordinate
xEnd number or function undefined end x-coordinate
ease string "none" particle movement ease (see gsap easing)
duration function, number or string gsap.utils.random(5, 10) duration of each particle (see gsap duration)
offset function gsap.utils.random(0, 20) function that returns time offset of each particle


const particles = new Particles({
    container: demoParticles,
    itemsSelector: ".cb-demo-particle",

// Start particles

// Stop particles

// Bind observer to target

// Destroy observer

// Speedup to 2x

// Reverse particles direction

// Check is reversed (return bool)

// Get GSAP timeline object

// Refresh particles

// Destroy particles

File structure

├── /tmp/                       # Temporary served files
└── /src/                       # The source code of the application
    ├── /js/                    # JavaScript source
        └── particles.js        # Library main
    ├── /pug/                   # Pug templates
        └── /_includes/         # Pug partials
    ├── /scss/                  # SCSS styles
        └── particles.scss      # Library additional css
    ├── /static/                # Static files (fonts, images, videos, etc..)