
Twitch Bot to detect and rate DIAL-in checks.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Twitch Bot to detect and rate DIAL-in checks.


This Bot was written for one streamer in particular, which means this script likely will not be useful to anyone else, but people interested in checking out how I use my TwitchWebsocket library.


This Bot will read Twitch chat looking for messages such as "Dial", "dangDial", "D I A L", and so forth. Ten seconds after the most recent of these messages the bot will output a "Dial Percentage" based on this formula:

trues = amount of DIAL messages
ratio = trues / total messages found in the span
percentage = trues / (amount of current viewers / 1.5) * 100
result = min(percentage * ratio * 10 * 0.9 + 10 + random.uniform(-1, 1), 100)

In short, it's a linear formula based on the percentage of chat that was involved in the messages, and the ratio of DIAL messages relative to other messages, ranging from 10% to 100%.


This bot is controlled by a settings.txt file, which looks like:

    "Host": "irc.chat.twitch.tv",
    "Port": 6667,
    "Channel": "#<channel>",
    "Nickname": "<name>",
    "Authentication": "oauth:<auth>"
Parameter Meaning Example
Host The URL that will be used. Do not change. "irc.chat.twitch.tv"
Port The Port that will be used. Do not change. 6667
Channel The Channel that will be connected to. "#CubieDev"
Nickname The Username of the bot account. "CubieB0T"
Authentication The OAuth token for the bot account. "oauth:pivogip8ybletucqdz4pkhag6itbax"

Note that the example OAuth token is not an actual token, but merely a generated string to give an indication what it might look like.

I got my real OAuth token from https://twitchapps.com/tmi/.


Among these modules is my own TwitchWebsocket wrapper, which makes making a Twitch chat bot a lot easier. This repository can be seen as an implementation using this wrapper.

Other Twitch Bots