
Fake NTP server that allows you to respond to NTP clients with fake data.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Tests CodeQL


A light-weight Network Time Protocol server that allows you to respond to NTP requests in a malicious manner.

Inspired by FakeDns


$ python3 FakeNTP.py --help
usage: FakeNTP.py [-h] [--verbose] [--ip IP] [--port PORT] [--static-time] [--time TIME] [--time-step TIME_STEP] [--passthru]
                  [--ntp-server NTP_SERVER]

FakeNTP - A light-weight fake Network Time Protocol server that allows you to trick NTP clients into changing their time.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --verbose             Enable verbose output.
  --ip IP               The IP address to listen on. Default is
  --port PORT           The port to listen on. Default is 123.
  --static-time         Respond to all requests with a static time, rather than incrementing the time.
  --time TIME           The time to respond with (in epoch diff). Default is "datetime.datetime.now().timestamp()".
  --time-step TIME_STEP
                        The amount of time to increment the time by each time a request is received. If not set, then the time
                        will increment normally.
  --passthru            Pass through requests to the real NTP server.
  --ntp-server NTP_SERVER
                        The NTP server to pass requests to. Default is "pool.ntp.org".

This project is 100% Python3, no dependencies required (the requirements.txt is just for the test suites). For most use-cases, you will want to modify the response NTP structure in FakeNTP.py:ThreadedUDPRequestHandler:handle to best fit your needs.


This project uses pytest and pytest-cov to test the utilities and functionality of the server.

$ PYTHONPATH="$PWD" sudo python3 -m pytest --cov=FakeNTP tests/


The following resources really helped me understand NTP and how to build this project: