record of my leetcode first round is about 1-50 easy, medium in different classes.
- Array
- String
- Math
- Bit Manipulation
- Two Pointers
- Linked List
- Stack
- Queue
- Sort
- Heap
- Sliding Window
- Backtracking
- Greedy
- DP
- Tree
- Hash Table
- Binary Search Tree
Just using iteration and will ac.
Please consider the case that input is null.
Using nums.empty() and return {} will be done.
A very clever method.
Using a index and just find the different number and replace it.
This question is very simple.
All you need to do is to consider the boundary cases.
Using a different thinking angle.
From left to right not right to left.
Try to using data structure like unordered_map.
This is a very simple question.
Using stack and switch to solve it.
Remember stack.pop() and
KMP!!!! Please figure out how to use KMP
Tips: How to count iterately and check equal continuely.
Using while(i + 1 < res.size() && res[i] == res[i + 1]).
to_string() to change int into string.
"dict" is used to keep tracking the char in the input string you read
every time.
start indicates the position of starting position of the substring.
At the beginning, it initializes all value in "dict" to -1.
Then in the for loop, it scans every char in the string.
If the char in the "dict"'s value is larger than "start".
It means it already in the substring.
You should change the start position of substring to the repeat
position and start a new count.
"maxLen" records the maximum length of substring you have so far.
For example, the input is "aba", you check dict[s[0]], which is
dict[97] is -1. Therefore, you can change the dict[97] to 0.
In this way, you keep recording the string char's position in the
dict. When you meet the second "a" in the input, dict[97] is 0 and
larger than start, which is -1. Then you change start value to 0. When
you apply length function ( i - start), you calculate the new
substring length, which didn't contain the substring before the first
Do not always use x divide 10.
Please use res * 10 from zero to the number you want.
INT_MAX is about 2^31.
INT_MIN is about 2^31.
Pay attention to the remand, using long not int.
A same type question of 7.
Please notice input x is changing with my algorithm.
This is a basic question.
But you need to figure out Head and Temp pointer of a list.
Temp pointer is always changing.
Head pointer is the head of a list.
Please check books to figure them out.
There are lots of things need to be consider.
Do not need to calculate the length of each list.
Use ? : to compare and set zero value.
Remember the setting of carry.