
Yet another image lazyload directive for angular.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Yet another image lazyload directive for angular.

With this directive, you can lazyload image in document. You can also lazyload image in specific element which have the overflow: auto or overflow:scroll css style.

What directive this module have?

  • lazy-container, add to the container
  • lazy-src, add to image tag

Basic Usage

  1. include me-lazyimg.js as dependence.

     var app = angular.module('myApp', ['me-lazyimg'])
  2. add lazy-container in scrollable container.

     <div lazy-container>...</div>
  3. instead src with lazy-src.

     <img lazy-src="{{imgUrl}}" alt="" />
  4. All Done!

Optional Parameters

Additional parameters can be added, example:

     <img lazy-src="{{imgUrl}}" animate-visible="true" animate-speed="0.5s" alt="" />

The following is a list of all the additional parameters:

Paramater Remark Value (Example) Default Value
animate-visible If set true, all images (include those initially visible) will be animated. Please note that by default initial visible images will be displayed immediately without fading "true" "false"
animate-speed The speed of the animation in seconds or milliseconds "0.5s" "1s"
