
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Collab||8 is a platform where web developers and designers can share their ideas and find people with complementary skills to collaborate with.

Users can create proposals for project ideas that they would like to bring to life and chat with others in real-time to discuss potential partnerships.

A personalized dashboard will also recommend to each Collab||8or the newest proposals that seek their expertise and other users who may be a great fit for collaboration.

Live app

The app is deployed on Heroku at collabor8-now.

The back-end API is deployed on Heroku at collabor8-api.

Note: Some bug fixes of the site are in progress.


"Splash Page" "Dashboard" "My Profile" "Browse Proposals"


NodeJS, Express, MongoDB Atlas, ReactJS, Material UI, Socket.io, Firebase, ThreeJS, Blender, Cat API, Joke API



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