
Python source to build cultclassik/ansible-control container.

This container will listen for an HTTP POST on the root URL. Once it receives that request it will clone the repo at GIT_URL into the GIT_DIR, then it will execute ANSIBLE_CMD as the SSH_USER with the provided SSH key.


Requires a working installation of Docker CE or EE.

A repository containing your Ansible code.

Target systems must have the SSH_USER created and have the public key that corresponds to the mapped private key file. This user probably needs sudo rights.


docker build -t cultclassik/ansible-control .


Environment variables

  • SSH_USER: User name of the user that will be used to execute Ansible run
  • GIT_URL: Full URL of the Ansible repo that should be cloned and run
  • GIT_DIR: Directory name to clone the repo in to
  • ANSIBLE_CMD: The command to run to execute Ansible, i.e. "ansible-playbook /ansible/main.yml"

Docker run

docker run -name ansible-control \ -e SSH_USER=myuser \ -e GIT_URL= \ -e ANSIBLE_CMD=ansible-playbook /ansible/main.yml \ -l traefik.enable=true \ -l;PathPrefixStrip:/ansible \ -l traefik.port=8000 \ -v /data/mysshkey.rsa:/key.rsa \ cultclassik/ansible-control


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D


18.01.2020: Initial version created


Chris Diehl wrote this. Based on another project I created to initiate r10k deployments for Puppet Open Source Server from Github webhooks.


Use it, improve it.