
Investigating various ways of publishing and subscribing to events:

Each version is implemented in its own module, under lib/pubsub_spike. The particular flavour may be deduced from the file/module name. There is a corresponding test in test/pubusb_spike.

Each module is a GenServer implementation, and contains the following methods:

start_link(topic) - start GenServer that will listen to a particular "topic". Returns {:ok, pid}.

broadcast(topic, message) - broadcasts message to all in the topic.

messages_received(pid) - returns all messages received by the listening GenServer.

See the corresponding test for usage.

Distributed events with Phoenix Pubsub

For your convenience, a PubsubSpike.PhoenixPubsub worker is started by the application. It is named :phoenix_pubsub and is listening on "topic:phoenix_pubsub". You can experiment with broadcasting across connected nodes.

In this root directory (having cloned the repository, obvs.) open a terminal:

iex --sname mel@localhost -S mix

In another terminal, in the same directory:

iex --sname sue@localhost -S mix

Node.connect(:"mel@localhost") # -> true
PubsubSpike.PhoenixPubsub.broadcast("topic:phoenix_pubsub", "Hello distributed Mel and Sue!") # -> :ok
PubsubSpike.PhoenixPubsub.messages_received(:phoenix_pubsub) # -> ["Hello distributed Mel and Sue!"]

Switch to the original node, "mel@localhost"

PubsubSpike.PhoenixPubsub.messages_received(:phoenix_pubsub) # -> ["Hello distributed Mel and Sue!"]
