
Gem for integrating Stripe for payments

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Flyover Subscriptions


Environment Variables

You must set ENV["STRIPE_SECRET"] and ENV["STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY"] with your API Secret and Publishable Keys so the gem can communicate with Stripe


FlyoverSubscriptions has two models, Subscription and Plan. You can run rake db:migrate to install the migrations. A subscription needs to belong to a subscriber, which is a model in your host app. To designate a model as a subscriber (maybe a User, Company, or Site) just add acts_as_subscriber to the model and make sure it has an email attribute (or delegates the method to another associated model)

class User

Nested form fields

Once you have added acts_as_subscriber, the subscriber will accept nested attributes for the subscription and you can use the form fields partial inside the form for your subscriber model as follows:

= simple_form_for @subscriber do |f|
  = f.simple_fields_for :subscription do |sf|
    = sf.association :plan, as: :hidden
    = render "subscription_fields", f: sf

Remember to build a subscription model for the subscriber in the #new action of your controller and add subscription_attributes: [:plan_id, :stripe_card_token] to permitted params. You'll also need a way to set the plan id. You can set it in the controller based on the route and add a hidden field like in the example above, or add a select field before the subscription fields.

Stripe JS

You also need to add the js necessary for Stripe to work. In your application.js, add //= require flyover_subscriptions and inside your <head> tag, add <%= render 'stripe_js' %>. Then add class="stripe-form" to any forms that have the subscription fields.

Configuration Settings

Customize the following settings in an initializer:

FlyoverSubscriptions.configure do |config|
  config.base_controller = "::ApplicationController"
  config.current_subscriber_method = "current_subscriber"

This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.