
FlyoverComments is a Rails engine that provides full-stack commenting capabilities. It is built and maintained by @cultivatelabs

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


FlyoverComments is a Rails engine that provides full-stack commenting capabilities. It is built and maintained by FlyoverWorks / @flyoverworks


  1. Devise or similar user authentication system, which provides a current_user method to controllers and views.

  2. jQuery and Rails' jQuery UJS must be included in your javascript.


Add FlyoverComments to your gemfile:

gem 'flyover_comments'

Add flyover_comments.rb to your initializers, defining the name of your user class and the method that returns the current user:

FlyoverComments.configure do |config|
  config.user_class = "User"
  config.current_user_method = "current_user"


mount the engine in your routes file:

mount FlyoverComments::Engine, at: "/flyover_comments"

Add comments to your commentable model:

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :user

You can the use view helpers to display the comment form and list. In both cases, you need to pass an instance of your flyover_commentable model to the heper.

To display the new comment form:

<%= flyover_comment_form(@post) %>

To display the list of comments:

<%= flyover_comments_list(@post) %>

Commenter name

In order, FlyoverComments will try the following to display the commenter name:

  1. user#flyover_comments_name. If you want to override what is displayed for the commenter name, add this method to your user class.

  2. user#name - User's name

  3. user#full_name - User's full name

  4. user#email - User's email

Comment creation & deletion authorization

By default, any user can create comments and a user can delete only comments that s/he created. If you want to override this behavior, you can add the following methods to your user class and FlyoverComments will default to them. E.g:

class User
  def can_delete_flyover_commment?(comment)
    self.is_admin? || comment.user == self

  def can_create_flyover_comment?(comment)