
E-commerce made with Java and Spring Boot

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Spring rest API ecommerce ☕

Technologies 💻

  • Java
  • Spring boot
  • Spring Data JPA
  • Spring security
  • JWT
  • SMTP Email service
  • Postman
  • Eclipse
  • Swagger
  • PostgreSQL
  • Heroku (to deploy the application)

Features 🔥

to both users:

  • Sign up and Sign in
  • Update and Delete (if you haven't bought or sold any product) yourself
  • Get a seller and client ranking

only for clients

  • Add product in your wishlist
  • Buy product (when this happens, an email is sent to client and to the seller)

only for sellers

  • Create, update and delete products
  • Sell a product


To clone and run this application by yourself, make sure you have at least Java 8 and all JDK stuff (including JRE), Maven to build the dependencies, Ecplise or STS, and Postman (it's not necessary, though it's really useful to handle a rest API. After that, do the following instructions

  • Switch the branch to running-locally

  • Clone this repository

$ git clone https://github.com/reness0/spring-restapi-ecommerce
  • Open this project using Eclipse or Spring tool Suit

  • Run EcommerceApplication.java

    This is gonna be building the maven dependencies too

  • The endpoints are located in 'http://localhost:3000/' and config its port on src/main/resources/application.properties

    Use a software like postman to do the resquests.

  • Make sure to create a database called ecommerce

    or create it with another name. However, you must to rename its name in src/main/resources/application.properties

By the way, you can change the port (3000) to another one, just change the line in src/main/resources/application.properties

Now, you are able to run this Java application locally. ✔️

If you only want to use the API without cloning the project

Usage of the application

In this document, there are some steps that you must to follow to use this application. I recommend to take a read before start using it.

API Documentation 📝

Swagger is responsible to provide a documentation of the API, it break down the endpoints and the models of the application. Check it out: https://renejr-ecommerce.herokuapp.com/swagger-ui.html


How to contribute ❓

  1. Make a fork;
  2. Create a branch with your feature: git checkout -b my-feature;
  3. Commit changes: git commit -m 'Creating new classes';
  4. Push the changes: git push origin my-feature.