
A GitHub Action to access deep values of YAML files

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Get YAML Paths

This action reads a YAML file and outputs selected properties.

The action uses a JMESPath query to access properties at the provided paths. The file is the only input required. All other inputs are mapped into equally named outputs with the value at the given paths.



Required The name of the file to load.

name: query

Give each path to look-up as a name: query input pair.


The Action generates an output for name with the value at the corresponding path. Output names are all lowercase, due to limitations in GitHub Actions.

Example usage

Given an input file file.yml:

  bar: baz
  stage: green

A step definition like this:

uses: CumulusDS/get-yaml-paths-action@v1.0.1
  file: file.yml
  bar: foo.bar
  providerStage: provider.stage

sets the bar output to baz and sets the providerstage output (note all lower-case) to green.

Object and array outputs are JSON-serialized. For example, given an input file qux.yml:

  - bar: hello
  - bar: world

A step definition like this:

uses: CumulusDS/get-yaml-paths-action@v1.0.1
  file: qux.yml
  bars: qux[].bar

Sets the bars output to ["hello","world"].


The CloudFormation YAML schema is supported. The input file can contain the CloudFormation template tags:

  • !And
  • !Base64
  • !Cidr
  • !Condition
  • !Equals
  • !FindInMap
  • !GetAtt
  • !GetAZs
  • !If
  • !ImportValue
  • !Join
  • !Not
  • !Or
  • !Ref
  • !Select
  • !Split
  • !Sub

Possible Issues

Quoting Special Characters

Keys with hyphens and other special characters should be quoted in the query. For example, given an input file like this:

foo-bar: baz

Then use a step definition like this:

uses: CumulusDS/get-yaml-paths-action@v1.0.1
  file: file.yml
  foobar: '"foo-bar"'

The query should be "foo-bar" to get the value of the foo-bar key. Without the quotes, the query would be interpreted as a numerical subtraction, which would result in an error.

GitHub Runner Warning

The inputs to this action cannot be statically defined or listed in the actions.yml definition. This results in a nuisance warning from the Actions Runner like this:

Warning: Unexpected input(s) '...', valid inputs are ['file']

The actions/runner#514 issue tracks this limitation of the Actions Runner.

See Also




This package is MIT licensed.