
[DEPRECATED] Cumulus PIM demo

Primary LanguagePython


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Cumulus Multicast Routing / PIM Demo

This demo will demonstrate how to configure and use PIM on Cumulus Linux.

This demo is built using the Cumulus reference topology. Please visit the reference topology github page for detailed instructions on using Cumulus Vx with Vagrant




First, the Cumulus PIM EA packages will be downloaded from the Cumulus Networks Apt repo and installed on all network devices.

The lab is configured with (numbered) OSPF. A number of links have been not been configured (dotted lines in the topology), leaving each server single homed to a single leaf switch.

Each leaf switch has a bridge interface configured with the server ports.

Spine01 is configured as the multicast RP at

Each server has a test multicast sender and test multicast receiver application. This is located in the /home/cumulus on each server.

Multicast Source. The application mcast-tx.py allows for the generation of multicast data. To use the application use the command sudo python mcast-tx.py eth1 --count 100 --interval 1000 to send 100 packets to the multicast group, sourced from the eth1 interface. Each packet will be sent 1000 ms apart. To stop sending traffic send a break (Ctrl-C)

Multicast Receiver. The application mcast-rx.py allows for the sending of IGMPv3 wildcard ( joins to pull multicast data. To use the application use the command sudo python mcast-rx.py eth1 to request the group on the eth1 interface. To stop the periodic sending of IGMPv3 Joins send a break (Ctrl-C)

Known Issues

spine01 ports swp29 and swp30 are swapped. spine01 is connected to exit01 on port swp30. This will be corrected in a future version of the reference topology.

ECMP is not currently supported and a number of links have been disabled to simplify the environment.

PIM with mLAG is not currently supported. No dual attached servers are configured.

As each server is provisioned the first time with Ansible, the server will reboot, causing Ansible to report a failure. This is expected behavior and is only seen the first time the servers are provisioned.