
KalculatorLib (not a typo) is a calculator written in Kotlin based on the Polish inverse notation algorithm

Primary LanguageKotlin


KalculatorLib (not a typo) is a calculator library written in Kotlin language, based on the Polish inverse notation algorithm.


See https://jitpack.io/


Only one function is required to working

package com.cunningbeaver.kalculatorlib

fun calculate(expression: String): Double

You can input a common math expressions to it:

calculate("1.5 + -(8 * 4)")  // -31.5
calculate("((34 + 34) - 34) / 34")  // 1

It supports binary operators like 1 + 1, unary operators like -2, brackets and functions like log(8, 2). There are few functions now, but in the future i want to add new ones.

You can run the library as a command line script using the main function with or without command line arguments. If with arguments, then you will immediately get the result. If without arguments, an infinite loop will start with a prompt to enter an expression and output the result.