
A pocketmine plugin to ban players during whatever hours you want.

Primary LanguagePHP


A pocketmine plugin to ban players during whatever hours you want. Note that when you ban, you will ban in hours. Not minutes, days, months etc. Only hours. Note that this is a plugin inspired from the old TimerBan of PocketmineForum. I modified it, I added and removed some things.

#Features -/timerban To see the options.

-/timerban add <hour(s)>  To ban a player.

-/timerban remove To unban the player.

-/timerban To see the list of banned players.

-/timberbanip <add|remove|list> <player|IP>   To ban IP someone.

When you ban or unban a player, it will broadcast a message on your server saying has been unbanned or <player has been banned <hour(s)> for

#Note NEVER edit the IPBanList.yml or BanList.yml EXCEPT for removed manually a player. It may cause issues.

Signed CupidonSauce173. Check out my server : pvpcryoservers.com default port