Sora AI Awesome List – Your go-to resource hub for all things Sora AI, OpenAI's groundbreaking model for crafting realistic scenes from text. Explore a curated collection of articles, videos, podcasts, and news about Sora's capabilities, advancements, and more.
- annayzhang1337
- Backdrop9019
- BBBoundaryHangzhou, China
- chaoyue729DX-inc
- ChenyangLEIHKUST
- CodeAsPoetry
- ctlyncui
- DuoLi1999
- funnyQZQ@Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
- haoranDUK
- HUIYULEOCopenhagen
- Ice-ffany
- icemoon-creative
- jiahao-shao1Zhejiang University
- junwuzhang19Peking University
- Kevin-1342Imperial College London
- KevinGu
- KobaayyyFuzhou University
- kobesheguShanghai
- lambane
- liuerea
- lowspace
- minruixu
- nemonamelessBaidu
- qianchen94
- randxieExplore New Things
- ray-ruisunNewcastle University
- RuixiangMaHUST
- Shinkou777
- suqiang0313tiktok
- tao-baiSingapore
- Turefu
- westfishBaidu @PaddlePaddle
- xiefan-guoBeihang university
- ZeyuZhao11
- zyxcambridgeshanghai