
This Swift macro auto-injects fatalError() into initializers, streamlining the setup of unit tests for Dependency Injected components.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


version Build Swift Package Manager License

This macro eliminates boilerplate needed to set initial values of Dependency Injected instances' methods in unit tests. By simply annotating a struct or class with @FatalTestValue, it auto-generates an initializer invoking fatalError() for the closure.

Quick start

To get started, import FatalTestValue: import FatalTestValue, annotate your struct or class with @FatalTestValue:

import FatalTestValue

struct Example {
    var create: @Sendable (Int) async throws -> Void
    var read: @Sendable (Int) async throws -> String
    var update: @Sendable (Int, String) async throws -> Void
    var delete: (Int) -> Void

This will automatically generate an extension with a testValue property.

extension Example {
    public static let testValue = Example(
        create: { _ in
        read: { _ in
        update: { _, _ in
        delete: { _ in


For Xcode

If you are using GUI to set up Package Dependencies in Xcode, add the URL in Pacakge Dependencies.


For Package.swift

If you are using Package.swift add:

    url: "https://github.com/CuriositySoftware/swift-fatal-test-value/",
    .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0")

and then add the product to any target that needs access to the macro:

    name: "FatalTestValue",
    package: "swift-fatal-test-value"