With this project, I aim to build a PWA, so to empower everyone to study and learn on every device!
To be honest, I don't like anki's UI that much (so I'm going to take matters in my own hands). Plus, the 20$ pricetag on iOS shouldn't stop people who bought the wrong phone 😉! It would also ensure the same user experience on every device!
I'm going to build a static web page (cos it's free to host on GitHub pages, inside the docs folder) which will use Anki's API 😊 I'll write the code in Svelte (get the best results with the least effort) as in it's super easy to setup a static website + TypeScript cos I really like type safety and clean code 🧹! I guess I'll stick to tailwindcss as it's always proven to be quick and super useful in every situation! (and some CSS here and there)