Block-wisely Supervised Neural Architecture Search with Knowledge Distillation (CVPR 2020)

Primary LanguagePython


This repository provides the evaluation code of our paper: Blockwisely Supervised Neural Architecture Search with Knowledge Distillation.

Our Trained Models


1. Requirements

2. Searching

The code for supernet training, evaluation and searching is under searching directory.

  • cd searching

i) Train & evaluate the block-wise supernet with knowledge distillation

  • Modify datadir in initialize/data.yaml to your ImageNet path.
  • Modify nproc_per_node in dist_train.sh to suit your GPU number. The default batch size is 64 for 8 GPUs, you can change batch size and learning rate in initialize/train_pipeline.yaml
  • By default, the supernet will be trained sequentially from stage 1 to stage 6 and evaluate after each stage. This will take about 2 days on 8 GPUs with EfficientNet B7 being the teacher. Resuming from checkpoints is supported. You can also change start_stage in initialize/train_pipeline.yaml to force start from a intermediate stage without loading checkpoint.
  • sh dist_train.sh

ii) Search for the best architecture under constraint.

Our traversal search can handle a search space with 6 ops in each layer, 6 layers in each stage, 6 stages in total. A search process like this should finish in half an hour with a single cpu. To perform search over a larger search space, you can manually divide the search space or use other search algorithms such as Evolution Algorithms to process our evaluated architecture potential files.

  • Copy the path to architecture potential files generated in step i) to potential_yaml in process_potential.py. Modify the constraint in process_potential.py.
  • python process_potential.py

3. Retraining

The retraining code is simplified from the repo: pytorch-image-models and is under retraining directory.

  • cd retraining

  • Retrain our models or your searched models

    • Modify the run_example.sh: change data path and hyper-params according to your requirements
    • Add your searched model architecture to model.py. You can also use our searched and predefined DNA models.
    • sh run_example.sh
  • You can evaluate our models with the following command:
    python validate.py PATH/TO/ImageNet/validation --model DNA_a --checkpoint PATH/TO/model.pth.tar

    • PATH/TO/ImageNet/validation should be replaced by your validation data path.
    • --model : DNA_a can be replaced by DNA_b, DNA_c, DNA_d for our different models.
    • --checkpoint : Suggest the path of your downloaded checkpoint here.