
Draws maimai sensors on the screen based on config values

Primary LanguageC#


Draws maimai (SDEY) sensors on screen according to the values in the config.
Used to debug sensor positions for MaiSense

Config works with this MaiSense fork: https://github.com/CuriousCod/MaiSense

How To Use

  1. Edit sensor region values and window resolution in the sensor.config
  2. Load the application
  3. If the config is not loaded automatically, press F2 to load the config
  4. Application will resize the window and draw the sensors upon loading the config
  • Default configs are located in SensorConfigs folder
  • Sensors can be drawn off-screen, if the width or height exceeds the monitor resolution
  • The config resolution should match the maimai window resolution in order to position the sensors correctly
    • Only 1P sensors are supported

Keyboard shortcuts

Key Action
Escape Closes the application
Spacebar Redraws all the sensors
F1 Toggle always on top
F2 Load new config
F5 Reload current config
F11 Resize and reposition the window according to the config
M Moves the canvas position to mouse cursor, useful if the sensors are drawn off-screen
T Makes the window transparent
Delete Clears the current sensors from the screen
Number keys (1-8 and 0) Draws the matching sensor 1 -> sensor A1, 0 -> sensor C
Number keys + Ctrl Draws the B sensor (B1-B8) instead of A

