Team Members:

Nate Brown, Deon Curry, Anthony Keith, Ryan Bagan

Cooperation Plan

What are the key strengths of each person on the team?

Each member of our team possesses unique strengths that we will leverage throughout the project.

Deon brings exceptional organization and design skills to the table, allowing us to keep all elements of the project structured and visually appealing.

Ryan's unwavering determination and talent for graphic design will be crucial in driving the project forward and delivering high-quality results.

Anthony's expertise in CSS front-end development will ensure that our project is aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly.

Nate the Great's backend proficiency and ability to handle complex tasks make him an essential player in the success of this project. By capitalizing on the diverse strengths of each team member, we will be able to maximize our collective potential and achieve our project goals.

How can you best utilize these strengths in the execution of your project?

To best utilize each member's strengths in the execution of our project, we will assign tasks and responsibilities based on their individual areas of expertise.

Deon's organizational and design skills will be leveraged to plan, structure, and visually present our project's content and assets.

Ryan's determination and graphic design talent will be essential in driving the project forward and delivering high-quality results.

Anthony's proficiency in CSS front-end development will ensure that our project is aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly.

Nate the Great's backend expertise and heavy lifting skills will be assigned to tasks that require complex programming and data management.

We will encourage collaboration between Anthony and Nate to ensure a seamless integration between front-end and back-end development.

By combining our team's diverse strengths and encouraging collaboration, we can create a cohesive and functional system that meets both our aesthetic and functional requirements.

Overall, our team's collaborative mindset and unique strengths will enable us to execute the project with excellence and exceed our goals.

In which professional competencies do you each want to develop greater strength?

Anthony aims to strengthen his organizational skills by focusing on creating and maintaining a systematic approach to task management and time allocation.

Ryan aims to improve his ability to ask for help by recognizing his limitations and being proactive in seeking guidance from his teammates.

Nate intends to improve his planning and time management skills by implementing effective scheduling strategies and breaking down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable components.

Deon aims to strengthen his ability to ask for help by acknowledging that seeking assistance is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Knowing that every person in your team needs to understand all aspects of the project, how do you plan to approach the day-to-day work?

To ensure that every team member understands all aspects of the project, we will take a collaborative and transparent approach to our day-to-day work. We will leverage individual strengths by assigning tasks based on each person's area of expertise. This will help ensure that everyone is working on tasks that they are most proficient in, and everyone's skills are being utilized effectively. Additionally, we will establish regular team meetings and briefings to discuss progress, challenges, and opportunities for improvement. By doing this, we can keep everyone informed, aligned, and motivated towards achieving our project goals. Finally, we will create detailed project documentation, including design specifications, development plans, and project timelines to provide a clear understanding of the project's progress and the direction we're heading. By fostering an environment of open communication, collaboration, and transparency we can ensure that every team member is well-informed and well-equipped to contribute to the project's success.

Conflict Plan

What will be your group's process to resolve conflict, when it arises?

We will host a vote to handle conflicts in-house, and if it results in a tie, we will flip a coin. If the conflict is greater than that, we will seek out an instructor or TA.

What will your team do if one person is taking over the project and not letting the other members contribute?

We will politely and directly ask them to step back, but we do not expect this to be a problem.

How will you approach each other and the challenges of the project knowing that it is impossible for all members to be at the exact same place in understanding and skill level?

We will work within our strengths, allowing each member to contribute what they feel most confident in.

How will you raise concerns to members who are not adequately contributing?

We will address this during our daily stand-up and work within our strengths to ensure everyone is contributing equally.

How and when will you escalate the conflict if your resolution attempts are unsuccessful?

If our resolution attempts are unsuccessful, we will invite a neutral 3rd party to help resolve the conflict.

Communication Plan

What hours will you be available to communicate?

We will be available from 9:00am - 9:00pm.

What platforms will you use to communicate (e.g., Slack, phone)?

We will communicate using phone, Discord, and Slack.

How often will you take breaks?

We will take breaks every thirty minutes.

What is your plan if you start to fall behind?

We will communicate during our stand-up and stick to our daily tasks to the best of our ability.

How will you communicate after hours and on the weekend?

We will communicate using Slack, Remo, and FaceTime.

What is your strategy for ensuring everyone's voice is heard?

We will encourage everyone to speak up and be all-inclusive.

How will you ensure that you are creating a safe environment where everyone feels comfortable speaking up?

As a group of Military Veterans, we have the capability of fostering a safe environment for everyone to feel comfortable speaking up.

Work Plan

How will you identify tasks, assign tasks, know when they are complete, and manage work in general?

We will delegate tasks and let people pick what they are most comfortable with using Trello board.

What project management tool will be used?

We will use Trello board and Discord.

Presentation Deck

What is your process for creating and sharing your presentation deck?

We will make a single copy of the Presentation Deck Template and share it with all team members. We will link to the shared document in our project plan and schedule a practice session.

How will you schedule your practice session?

We will work with our instructor to pre-schedule a date and time for our "practice run" of the presentation, which will be during the class session before the actual presentation.

What are some reminders as you work on and practice your presentations?

We will express gratitude, make strong eye contact with the audience or camera, and maintain a positive attitude.

Git Process

What components of your project will live on GitHub?

Everything but different branches.

How will you share the repository with your teammates?

We will use collaborators to share the repository with our teammates.

What is your Git flow?

We will utilize a development branch as the main and vote to push. Nothing will be pushed directly to main.

How many people must review a PR?

Two on push to dev branch, and all must review before pushing to main.

Who merges PRs?

All four members of the team will merge PRs.

How often will you merge?

We will merge only during stand-ups

How will you communicate that it’s time to merge?

We all must agree during stand up or majority if someone is not here.

Project Prep 2

Idea One

Movie Review website

The idea would be using the movie api to get the movie data. Then we would create a movie review object and store that into our mondoDB database. The Schema would include The title, a brief description that we would get from the api. Then the user would be able to leave a review and some notes about the movie and what they liked about it.

The problem it solves is remembering if a movie is worth reccommending to a friend, and get more great movies to be seen. We are going to use AUTH0 in order to keep everyones reviews seperate and only show the reviews from the user who is logged in

The MVP would be a website where we can leave reviews in a star rating and description. The site needs to be able to log in, show the previous movies that were reviewed and allow new movies to be reviewed.

Idea two

Playlist Making Website

The idea would be using the spotify api in order to make playlists to suit whatever mood youre in.

The problem it would solve is shuffling music and not having songs that fit the vibes. This would be done by logging in and then showing the playlist that corrispond to the user. This will also let the user, add , edit and remove playlists as they see fit.

The MVP would be a website that finds songs using the API and stores the playlists into an array of some kind in order to store them and view them.