BT Grad Task - Phonetic Search

This program implements the Phonetic Search algorithm as defined in the BT graduate scheme application task. It has been written in Java 7 (JDK 1.7.0_45) and tested on a Mac running OS X Mavericks in the terminal.

What's Included

  • Java source files
  • Generated JavaDoc
  • Sample names.txt file

How to Use

This program has been tested on a Mac. Whilst there are no OS-specific function calls, it should be noted that I have not had chance to double-check this on a windows machine.


  • Download and unzip the source files and navigate to the src folder using Terminal or Command Prompt.
  • Run the javac *.java command to compile all of the Java files.

Running the Program

In order to run the program, you must first of all have a file with one or more names defined within it - each on a new line. If you wish, you may use the names.txt file included as an example. This file must reside in the src folder.

You may run the program by running java PhoneticSearch {terms} < names.txt where {terms} is one or more names you wish to search for (space delimited). For an example, see the next section.

Expected Results and Sample Output

java PhoneticSearch Ericsson Smith < names.txt
Ericsson: Ericsson, Erikson
Smith: Smith, Smyth, Smythe, Smid, Schmidt
java PhoneticSearch Jones < names.txt
Jones: Jonas, Johns, Saunas
java PhoneticSearch Winton Mcdonald < names.txt
Winton: Van Damme
Mcdonald: Macdonald, Nest O'Malett
java PhoneticSearch Winston < names.txt
Winston: No results found.