Encapsulates all of the (somewhat bizarre and commonly used) logic around capturing the data necessary
to create an lead / cm employment record. Handles the validation and implicity relationship
between fields like endDate
and isCurrent
. Also tried to minimize the amount of clicky input needed
to get a record entered since this is so heavily used.
Emitted as values on the employment form change. The event details contain
all of the employment details that have been captured in the following structure, with valid
indicating the validity of the current state according to our rules:
{ company: {}, title: '', isCurrent: true, startDate: moment(), endDate: moment(), startMonth: 11, startYear: 2011, endMonth: null, endYear: null, startDateText: "unknown|11-2011", endDateText: "current|10-2012", valid: true }
##Methods ####Clear This pretty much does exactly what I hope is obvious given the name.
##Attributes and Change Handlers
The value attribute represents the same structure shown above that is emitted on the change
If data is bound into the value attribute in the same structure as the expected output defined above,
it will initialize the form for editing as well. Any additional properties attached to value should also
be carried through so your primary key needed to do the update should remain intacted
##Event Handlers Events are captured off the contained fields and used to trigger validity checks and apply the bits of interaction between data elements.
##Polymer Lifecycle