
Simple NickSystem for Nukkit server!

Primary LanguageJava


Simple NickSystem for Nukkit server!

- Features

  • MySQL Support

- Commands

  • /nick
  • /nick
  • /nick reset

- HowToUse

You will find a file called mysql.json in plugins/NickSystem/ you need to file in you account data of MySQL.

Then it will look like that:

  "profile": {
    "host": "",
    "database": "System",
    "user": "root",
    "password": "123456",
    "port": 3306

You need luckchat or any chat formatting plugin to use the NickSystem!

config of LuckChat:

FirstRun: false
ChatAsync: true
 default: '[%disname%] >> %msg%'
 admin: '[%disname%] >> %msg%'
  update: 20
  updateAsync: true
  default: '%disname%'
  admin: '%disname%'

Download of LuckChat