Fully automated end-to-end framework to extract data from bar plots and other figures in scientific research papers using modules such as OpenCV, AWS-Rekognition.
Jupyter Notebook
- AbandonistHangzhou
- abdiels
- amitkapsamitkaps
- anikdeKailashahar, Tripura, India
- anminhhungUniversity of Information Technology
- arvind@mitvis @mit-csail-hci
- BigBarnyCraft Prospect LTD
- Changxi-LiuNational University of Singapore
- chinrane@amazonwebservices
- coolzoom
- CvraneAmazon Web Services
- Diligence1989
- dsandeep97
- duskvirkusIntuition Machines
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- fadytaher
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- hundredeuk2Hanyang Univ. BIS Lab
- iakashpaul
- imadhajMorocco
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- jiangxiluningHuawei
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- YunnglinTongyi Lab, Alibaba Group