Save articles from to the SQLite database and .csv files. Also perform fuzzy search in database.
$ habr-parser -h
usage: habr-parser TASK [OPTIONS]
-h,--help Prints this usage hint.
-parse,--parse Perform parsing. For usage instruction type
habr-parser -parse -h
-search,--search Perform fuzzy-search in database. For usage
instruction type habr-parser -search -h
$ habr-parser -parse -h
usage: habr-parser -parse [OPTIONS]
-f,--filename <filename> File name of the output .csv file.
-p,--pages <pages> If -u contains only one page URL, this can be
specified to download N amount of pages after
specified page. This should be >= 0.
-parse,--parse Perform parsing. For usage instruction type
habr-parser -parse -h.
-u,--urls <urls> URLs for parsing e.g.
-ve,--verbose-errors If specified, errors would be more verbose.
$ habr-parser -search -h
usage: habr-parser -search [OPTIONS]
-f,--filename <filename> File name of the output .csv file.
-k,--keyword <keyword> Starts fuzzy-search with provided
-s,--minscore <minscore> Minimum search score to be indexed by
-search,--search Perform fuzzy-search in database. For
usage instruction type habr-parser
-search -h
-t,--ntopresults <ntopresults> Number of keyword occurrences to find.
$ habr-parser -parse -u
$ habr-parser -parse -u -p 3
$ habr-parser -parse -u
$ habr-parser -search "machine learning"
$ habr-parser -search Habr -t 100
$ habr-parser -search kubernetes -t 30 -s 85