Create an Uber Cadence application.
Activity Worker Spring Boot application.
Workflow worker application.
Workflow launcher Spring boot application.
Use docker environment with Cadence to launch it locally.
First activity: takes weather information from any open API, for example
Second activity: takes weather info and stores it in a database. Info for storing
is a time of record creation, name of city that we are storing and air
temperature. You can use any DB. It can even be embedded DB.
Workflow worker should contain workflow that will take info using the first
activity and store it using the second one.
Workflow launcher application launches a workflow using cadence client.
We're just call HTTP route with the name of the city we want to retrieve
weather for.
You can use any libraries, any services that can be used for task completion.
Cadence deployed in docker.
Workflow worker and Activity worker launched locally or in docker.
We`re launching a workflow using workflow launcher HTTP route.