
Primary LanguageVisual Basic .NET


SAMP Keybinder Evolution

ABOUT SAMP Keybinder is a keybinder designed for SAMP, It has many advanced features such as

Auto updater Non 360 Controller Binding Xbox 360 controller binding Mouse binding Keyboard Binding Log Management Macro's Changelog Viewer Customizable Delays Toggle Binds And more.

Lets explain how SAMP Keybinder works. You set up a command and bind it to a key on your keyboard, mouse or 360 controller. It then sends that command to SAMP or any other SA:MP server when the binded key is pressed.

Here is a quote of the built in instructions.

Keyboard Binds

  1. Enter your desired command in the "Command" TextBox. E.g "/ej" without quotes
  2. Click the "Binded Key" TextBox and Press desired key
  3. Check the enable checkbox (the one in line with the previous textboxes)

Mouse Binds

  1. Click the Textbox for the mouse button you want to bind
  2. Enter your desired command in the selected TextBox. E.g "/ej" without quotes
  3. Check the enable checkbox (the one in line with the previous textbox)a

Macro's Set "Command" TextBox to multiple commands with a * between each ("/ej*/tz*/ar") this will do each command autmatically with no delay

Macro Delay's If you want to use a macro but don't want it to send the commands instantly you can use "¬" like this "/ej¬0500/tz" this will delay the second command by 500 miliseconds. Please note its needs to be 4 digits or it will not work.

Toggle's Toggle's now work on everything, Just use '#' without quotes to seperate commands (e.g. /fpslimit 30#/fpslimit 90)

Profiles Allow you to have different keybinds based on SAMP Username, This is good for people who share a PC.

AutoUpdate This will check automatically on startup for a new version and if found download it.

Advanced Customization You can customize all sorts of things including the "#", "*" and "¬" characters from the "Advanced Settings" tab

Command Line You can use "-debug" to override the window check and you can use "-startup" to start the application minimized.

Additional Information You can change many settings from the "Settings Tab". Check it out for yourself.