
codec for video format of playdate console

Primary LanguageC++

what it is?

This is CLI utility that converts set of frames into a .pdv file (video format for the Playadate console). Instead of dithering it replaces sepicified colors with black&white patterns. Also, it can process images the same way.


  • linux
  • gcc
  • python3
  • zlib


gcc pdv_codec.c -lm -o pdv_codec


./pdv_codec -n <NUMBER OF FRAMES> -f <printf-like FORMAT OF FRAMES PATH> -o <OUTPUT FILE NAME>

working example

./pdv_codec -b 0 -n 4 -f "source_frames/frame_%d.png" -m ffffffff:ffffffffffffffff -o land.pdv

./pdv_codec -f "source_frames/frame_0.png" -i -o image.png -m ff0000ff:f0f0f0f00f0f0f0f -m ffffffff:ffffffffffffffff


  • -o output file name.
  • -n NUMBER number of frames.
  • -f input file name / input file names format for video.
  • -b INDEX - begin index of frames (1 by default).
  • -m mask in format aaaaaaaa:bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb, where aaaaaaaa - hex code of color, that be replaced with palette bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb (64-bit number, that represents 8x8 block of pixels). You can specify up to 16 masks. If you don't specify any, ffffffff:ffffffffffffffff will be selected automatically. In case of images, fully-transparent pixels remain fully-transparent.
  • -no - disable debug output.
  • -p - write to stdout instead of creating file.
  • -i - process single image instead of video.