
A simple API for HitboxCreator.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

HitBoxCreator Dev API

This is a small API to easily use HitBoxCreator in your Javascript Programs.

Data Structures

The HitboxCreator Dev API has a few useful Data Structure Objects for you to use. Designed to make managing the data of the HitBoxCreator simple and easy.


Hitbox has four variables in it. Two of which are Arrays used basically as a Vector2.
The first of which is number which is simply the number of the hitbox in the list.
The boxPos is a Array. boxPos[0] is the x value of the hitbox, and boxPos[1] is the y value.
boxSize is also a Array. boxSize[0] is the width of the hitbox, and boxSize[1] is the hight.
boxType is simply the type of hitbox the Hitbox object is. You use your own code to figure out what to do with this value.


number is the number of the frame.
imgName is the name of the image to be used in the frame.
The charPos is a Array. charPos[0] is the x value of the frame, and charPos[1] is the y value.
hitBoxes is a array of hitboxes.


The drawFrame(ctx, charImgLoaded, characterImg, frame, x, y, zoom, drawHitboxes) is used to draw a Frame onto the canvas. The Function has 8 variables that need to be passed, but they're pretty simple.
ctx is the context of the canvas.
charImageLoaded is a boolean value used to see if the image you're sending drawFrame is loaded. If this is false the function won't do anything.
characterImg is the image you want to be drawn onto the canvas.
x is the x value of the object to be drawn. the algorithem to draw is (x + frame.charPos[0]);.
y is the y value of the object to be drawn. the algorithem to draw is (y + frame.charPos[1]);.
zoom is the amount your canvas is being upscaled. Put the value at 1 if you're not upscaling, or to 2 if you're scale is x2.
drawHitboxes is a boolean value that if true will allow the function to draw the hitbox data as well as the image.

the getFrameFromXML(xml) function takes a string argument of XML data, and creates a Frame object that is returned by the function.

the addEscapeSlashes(xml) function takes a string argument of XML data, and returns a string of xmlData formatted to be used with getFrameFromXML(xml). For example / becomes \/.